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IELTS test in Japan – August 2022 (Academic Module)

Thanks to S.M. who took IELTS in Japan, today we are sharing the questions from her recent exam:

Writing test

Writing task 1 (a report)

We were given a bar graph describing how much people spend on health in Japan, France, the United States, Russia and the UK. There were 3 spending categories: total health, public health and private health.

Writing task 2 (an essay)

The best way to understand different cultures is by working at a multinational organization. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Speaking test

Part 1 (Interview)

– Can I have your full name, please?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you have a watch?
– Which do you live in now, an apartment or a house?
– Do you have a favourite room, and why?
– How can we make a house more comfortable?
– Why do you think people in your country buy a house?
– Do you read more now than when you were younger? Why?
– Have you ever watched a movie first before reading its book, and why?
– Do you buy books often?

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe a change you recently made that positively affected you. You should say

– what the change was
– who helped you make it
– why you made it
– and explain how you feel about this change.

Part 3 (Discussion)

– Which do you think is better, changing jobs frequently or working at the same place for a long time?
– Is it always good for people to change their job frequently?
– Do you think it is good to change your daily routine regularly?
– Who do you think is more likely to change their routine, a younger person or an older person?

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Simone Braverman is the founder of and the author of several renowned IELTS preparation books, including Ace the IELTS, Target Band 7, the High Scorer's Choice practice test series, and IELTS Success Formula. Since 2005, Simone has been committed to making IELTS preparation accessible and effective through her books and online resources. Her work has helped 100,000's of students worldwide achieve their target scores and live their dream lives. When Simone isn't working on her next IELTS book, video lesson, or coaching, she enjoys playing the guitar or rollerblading.