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Recent IELTS exams

Real students tell about their recent IELTS exams: IELTS questions, topics, tasks, answers.

IELTS Speaking test in South Africa – July 2010

IELTS exam in South Africa was identical to the test in Australia, according to B and her husband (thank you guys!). Here are two versions of the Speaking test they remembered:

Speaking test 1


– What is your name?
– Which country do you come from?
– Where in South Africa are you from, what city?
– Would you recommend someone to visit in your city?

Cue Card

Talk about a wild animal that you like:
– describe the animal,
– say why you like it


– Should government support the prevention of extinction of animals?
– Do you like cooking? Why?
– Do you like to travel?
– Where would you like to travel? Why?

Speaking test 2


– The usual questions.
– How many languages do you speak?
– Is it important to know more than one language?

Cue card

Describe a walk in the park with your best friend, please say
– where you went,
– why you went there, and
– what happened


– Do you think fairness in the workplace is important? Why?
– Is it necessary to reward staff?
– Do you think people use vehicles to drive short distances?
– Why do you think they do it?
– What can be done to change their minds?

IELTS Speaking test in Australia – July 2010

Two more versions of the Speaking test in Australia were shared by S and K, who sent us the following questions:

Speaking test 1


– What is your name?
– Do you work or study?
– Why did you choose that work?
– What did you collect when you were a child?
– Why do people like to collect things?
– If you were offered a large amount of money, what would you choose to collect?

Cue Card

Talk about your favorite wild animal, please say
– Why is that animal your favorite?
– What are its interesting features?
– What makes it different from other animals?
– Where did you see that animal first?


– Do you think human activities are affecting wild life?
– What are the reasons that some species of birds and animals became extinct?
– What should government do for conservation of these animals?
– Why do people like to see animals on TV?
– Why do children like to have toy animals?

Speaking test 2


– Tell me about your neighbors.
– Do you like movies?
– Tell me about your country.

Cue Card

Describe a place you want to go to with your friend in the future, please say
– Why would you want to go there?
– How would you go?
– Why would you choose your friend?


– Why do people travel these days?
– What is the difference between a business trip and a luxury trip?
– Would you enjoy traveling with a friend?