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recent ielts exam

IELTS test in Malaysia and Australia – January 2012 (Academic Module)

The IELTS exams in Malaysia and Australia (which turned out to be the same) were shared by our friends S and R. Below is what they collectively remembered:

Listening test IELTS test in Malaysia

Section 1.About an insurance deal.

Section 2. Rules about throwing out garbage.

Section 3. A student and a lecturer had a conversation on their work and essays.

Section 4. Archeology and detector’s work.

Reading test

Passage 1. Healthy wind – about animals’ self-healing.

Passage 2. Creating managers, Peter Drucker’s work.

Passage 3. About preserving data in the Internet.

Writing test

Writing task 1 (a report)

We were given a bar graph showing the percentage of water being used by industries, agriculture and households in four countries (China, USA, Russian Federation and Australia).

Writing task 2 (an essay)

Some think that developing countries should invite large foreign companies to open offices and factories in order to help their economy. However, others feel that foreign companies should be shut out and instead the government should help the local companies to contribute to the economic growth. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Speaking test


– What is your name?
– Where are you from?
– Do you like dancing?
– When do people dance in your country?

Cue Card

Talk about a job that you would like to do. Please say
– What job is it?
– Why would you like to do it?


– Does your current job pay better?
– What is the highest paid job in your country?
– What are the jobs that should be paid better?
– What do you think about career change?
– Is it a good thing to do once in a while?
– When should we change our careers?

IELTS test in the UK – January 2012 (Academic Module)

Our friend E has shared the information below about his IELTS exam in the UK. E didn’t recall anything about the Listening or Reading topics, but did a great job remembering the Writing and Speaking:

Writing test IELTS test in the UK

Writing task 1 (a report)

We were given a bar chart about sports players in one European country between 1985 and 2005. The sports were basketball, rugby, tennis and badminton.

Writing task 2 (an essay)

Some people think that to have a successful life you have to have university education, while others think it’s not that important. Discuss both views and give your opinion based on personal experience and knowledge.

Speaking test


– Describe your house.
– What do you like about your house?
– Do you read books?
– What kind of books do you read?
– Do you give books as a gift to your friends? Why?
– Were you borrowing books from a library as a child?
– What books did you borrow?

Cue Card

Talk about a letter you have received lately. Please say

– Who sent it to you?
– Why did he/she send it?
– How did you feel when you read it?
– Why was this letter important to you?


– What do you prefer: letters or e-mails? Why?
– Do you think sending a formal letter by e-mail is better than via regular post? Why?
– What do you think about people who write letters to newspapers?