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IELTS Letter, topic: Letting a friend know about your change of plans

This is a model response to a Writing Task 1 topic from High Scorer’s Choice IELTS Practice Tests book series (reprinted with permission). This answer is close to IELTS Band 9.

Set 3 General Training book, Practice Test 13

Writing Task 1

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

A friend is expecting you to stay with him in two weeks’ time, but unfortunately you forgot that you have a business trip at the same time. Write a letter to your friend.

In your letter,

– apologise and say that you cannot come to visit
– explain why you will not be able to visit
– suggest another time that you could visit

You should write at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows:

Dear Tom,

Sample Band 9 Letter

Dear Tom,

I have rather upsetting news for you, for which I am very sorry. Although my stay with you in two weeks has been planned for a while, I will have to cancel.

Yesterday during work, I had another meeting with a colleague regarding the town hall project, which I told you about the past few months. During the conversation, a business trip, which had been planned and booked since last year, came up. I will need to speak to several representatives of other town halls in the area. I had completely forgotten about this, and unfortunately it is at the exact same time as my planned stay at your house. I hope you won’t be too angry with me and allow me to make it up to you in some other way.

Why don’t I come and visit you at the end of your vacation, when you have returned from Europe? I remember you saying that you have three weeks left before going to New York. If that works for you, please get back to me, as I would love to see you before Christmas.

Hope to see you soon!

Best wishes,


Go here for more IELTS Band 9 Letters

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Simone Braverman is the founder of and the author of several renowned IELTS preparation books, including Ace the IELTS, Target Band 7, the High Scorer's Choice practice test series, and IELTS Success Formula. Since 2005, Simone has been committed to making IELTS preparation accessible and effective through her books and online resources. Her work has helped 100,000's of students worldwide achieve their target scores and live their dream lives. When Simone isn't working on her next IELTS book, video lesson, or coaching, she enjoys playing the guitar or rollerblading.