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Exam preparation tips from Band 8.5 achiever

Today I have more exam tips for you. They are from a remarkable IELTS candidate, who got Band Score of 8.5 in his Academic IELTS exam. Amazingly in the Listening test he got 9.0, in the Reading and Speaking tests 8.5 and in the Writing test 8.0. With a score like this, no wonder he won our result competition in December 2008!

As always, I am interested in all kinds of success stories and Nikeesh kindly agreed to tell us about his way of studying. A little background first: Nikeesh is going to study in a university in Australia, he likes reading and watching TV, especially the documentaries on National Geographic.

Enough said, here is how Nikeesh prepared and aced his exam:

“Well my preparation for the exam was rather short. From your website I can pick up that students spend months in preparation, I didn’t. Sitting for this test was actually a requirement by Australian universities so I did it.

IELTS Speaking

Generally, doing well in speaking English is associated with a lot of factors. One should read a lot, also watching TV and talking with friends helps. I am not that big a fan of reading story books. I guess I watch a lot of documentaries, especially the ones on National Geographic. Also, I have spoken on a few occasions in public, so putting forward my ideas to the assessor with confidence was not a problem.

Oh! And I was reading through your website and found out one of the past winners saying that it is best you go for your speaking test in a formal wear – it has a profound effect on the assessor even before you speak. So I did dress formally (semi-formal is more like it).

IELTS Writing

As for doing well in writing – I guess we should realise that reading story books only enriches our vocabulary (to some extent) and shows the different ways of using words.

Academic writing is however, a totally different story. We need to read more of the literary criticisms or journals to enhance our understanding of formulating good sentence structures and how they should be varied in writing. Reading the works of lecturers and scientists as well as analysts gives us a wider perspective of the formal way of writing.

IELTS Reading

Reading, I have noticed after answering the sample questions in the IELTS book, is dissimilar from other forms of comprehension tests that I have done. The comprehension aspect is not taken to a greater depth. You almost never would need to read between the lines. So majority of the answers are directly in the passage. As I said earlier if you do a lot of formal reading, understanding the passages wouldn’t be hard.

IELTS Listening

I can’t say much for the Listening. Just follow the instructions and read the questions beforehand in the time given so that as you hear the speaker, you will be able to answer the questions at the same time. The last one is always difficult and you may notice that if the questions are in the form of matching then it would be best to hear the person out first before answering.

Good luck to all those who would be sitting for their IELTS test. Just trust yourself.

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Simone Braverman is the founder of and the author of several renowned IELTS preparation books, including Ace the IELTS, Target Band 7, the High Scorer's Choice practice test series, and IELTS Success Formula. Since 2005, Simone has been committed to making IELTS preparation accessible and effective through her books and online resources. Her work has helped 100,000's of students worldwide achieve their target scores and live their dream lives. When Simone isn't working on her next IELTS book, video lesson, or coaching, she enjoys playing the guitar or rollerblading.