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Recent IELTS exams

Real students tell about their recent IELTS exams: IELTS questions, topics, tasks, answers.

Update from a General IELTS exam, Kuwait

The test in Kuwait is conducted exclusively by the British Council, they ensure a thoroughly professional execution, by all means strict invigilators, but helpful and cheerful.

Listening test

Section 1. A conversation between a Music Teacher who gives private classes and an interested father. An interesting little exchange of information that discussed age-groups, instruments taught, reference books, timing, fees etc. Very simple questions!

Section 2. A detailed description of a National Park & Wildlife Research center; a slightly higher degree of difficulty as the accent wasn’t very clear initially.

Section 3. A conversation between a Marketing professor and his two students on their chosen thesis subjects. A simple conversation if you know the Marketing jargon.

Section 4. Various precious stones & reflectance. A very simple recording.

Reading test

Probably a little time consuming and irritating one of the lot, but still it was fairly simple in comparison to the reading texts found in IELTS study materials anywhere.

Passage 1. A town festival and the various celebrating groups and communities.

Passage 2. Admission to a College and the various requirements, application procedures, timings, attendance requirement, faculty, fees- questions revolved round these issues. An irritating question type was the one that involved numbering the various paragraphs.

Passage 3. An exhaustive overview of Mountain Climbing, its history, environmental issues, types of climbing and techniques. A little tricky.

Writing test

Make sure you practice writing, getting used to computer keyboards over the years can be such a pain-worse than carpal tunnel syndrome. It’s not easy to get the pen moving on the answer sheet. Practice, some general knowledge also helps. I might end up with a band 8-8.5 if all goes well.

Writing Task 1 (a letter)

You had applied to city college recently. Now the college has written back saying the course you applied for is full and they have even suggested an alternative course. Write back to them stating why you chose the first course, your views on the suggested second course and your plan of action. Minimum 150 words.

Task 2 (an essay)

Many countries host international sporting events these days. What are the positive and negative impact of hosting such events? Discuss both sides and give your opinion on this.


At a designated time, I was called to take my speaking test. A cheerful lady-the examiner, made sure that I was comfortable while she went about her job with an almost clinical precision. I say almost because she dropped my passport, not once but twice…:)


The test started with a little introduction about myself, my origin and my job. There we moved on to the whole test as it ranged from motivation factors in my job, my future aspirations etc. She suddenly looked up and asked me ‘do you like gifts? and then followed a little question and answer session on gifts, why we need them and my interest in them.

Cue Card

My topic was about my favorite newspaper, my preferred time of reading and my favorite columns in the newspaper.


My hunch was right as I knew what the following topic was going to be – SENSATIONALISM AND TABLOIDS. I had a ball talking on this subject. Overall I think I could have done better – I spoke too much and too fast. Keep your control on the content and the diction. I think I will score well.

We are grateful to Amar who sent us this wonderful report.

Update from an Academic IELTS exam, France

Listening test

Section 1. A young guy wanted to find a temporary job at the employment agency – don’t remember well but it was about the implementation of a swimming pool and an entertainment center (or something like that).
Section 2. 2 students were talking about a paper or an assignment they had to do.
Section 3. A man was talking about how to talk in front of an audience (a lecture).
Section 4. Don’t remember.

Reading test

Passage 1. About ambrosis ( substance found in whales’ sperm and used to make perfumes).
Passage 2. A text about map making.
Passage 3. About the printing industry and the development of new technologies.

Writing test

Writing Task 1 (a report)
We had a pie chart and a table about the causes of land degradation in 3 different regions in the world.

Writing Task 2 (an essay)

What is causing people to become overweight? Give reasons and suggest measures to deal with this problem.

Speaking test


The examiner asked me about where I was living at the moment, then about the kind of transportation in my town, then a few questions about meeting new people.

Cue Card

Describe a change that happened to you recently.


I was asked questions about change in general.

Thanks to Aurore for sharing with us her IELTS experience.