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How dedication and consistency can get you Band 8 in IELTS

Band 8 in IELTSSo, what does it take to get Band 8 in IELTS?

Aye Chan and Moshaddak say, “Dedication and consistency”, and we can trust their experience because they received IELTS Overall Band Scores of 8 and 7.5 respectively in their recent exams. As winners of our monthly results competition they were invited to share their tips and advice, and here is what they said:

Aye Chan, the owner of IELTS Overall Band Score of 8.0, said:

“Hello everyone,

I would like to advise you guys to keep in mind that IELTS scores are hugely influenced by your English language level. After all, it is a standardized language test. As for me, I prepared for IELTS for 2 months with a daily study routine of 3 hours. I cannot stress enough how important your English skills are. However, if you are someone with weak foundation like me, there are very good resources out there for you.

First, you have to decide between Computer-based and Paper-based IELTS, because it will largely affect how you prepare. For me, I took the Computer-based exam. The one thing that I used were online mock tests. It was very helpful; I got two reading paragraphs with different questions from mock tests in the actual exam. Another thing is that I read posts every day for up-to-date recent questions and tips for all four skills. They are fantastic, especially the writing tips and stand out among others. In addition to this, the recent questions are very useful in preparation for the Speaking test as you can build your ideas bank from it. Last but not least, I would like to say thanks to my local IELTS coaches (Teacher May Pyae Phyo Thu and Teacher Eaintme) for guidance.

That is pretty much all I did. One more thing to keep in mind is that you really need to have a strong dedication and consistency during exam preparation. Do not take the test for granted, but think of passing it as your dream. This was a crucial aspect, at least for me. I wish all the best to my fellow IELTS Warriors. Cheers!”

Band 8 in IELTS

Moshaddak, the owner of IELTS Overall Band Score of 7.5, said:

“Thanks for choosing me a winner.

I would like to suggest candidates to make a study plan and remain patient until they obtain the desired score. Generally, I used to listen on the radio to a variety of English conversations to develop my listening skills. For reading, I would advise to read texts on a wide range of topics, and focus on skimming and scanning techniques. Also, students need to write every day to develop their writing skill. Here, they should take advice from experts and find out ways to overcome their weakness. In my case, I used writing correction service from which supported me in a great way, and especially helped to improve my grammar, lexical resource, and ability to write complex sentences.

For speaking, I would suggest to find a partner and practice regularly – but everyone should evaluate their speaking to find out their weaknesses.

Overall, my experience with is overwhelming and I thank them for their support.”

Band 7.5 in IELTS

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Simone Braverman is the founder of and the author of several renowned IELTS preparation books, including Ace the IELTS, Target Band 7, the High Scorer's Choice practice test series, and IELTS Success Formula. Since 2005, Simone has been committed to making IELTS preparation accessible and effective through her books and online resources. Her work has helped 100,000's of students worldwide achieve their target scores and live their dream lives. When Simone isn't working on her next IELTS book, video lesson, or coaching, she enjoys playing the guitar or rollerblading.