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IELTS in Ireland – July 2009 (Academic Module)

IELTS in Cork, Ireland was described by a kind student M as follows:
Update: IELTS in UAE was the same as Ireland (according to my sources).

Listening test

Section 1: A women was giving information to her friend about trips she had.
Questions: Fill in the gaps.

Section 2 and 3: Both section were on the same topic “people who travel on a ship”.
Questions: Multiple choice and fill in the gaps.

Section 4: About new type of shelters in the UK.
Questions: Fill in the gaps and choose a suitable word from the list.

Reading test

Passage 1: Tribes in Africa.
Questions: Ttrue/False/ Not given, Fill in the gaps.

Passage 2: Management in business.
Questions: Yes/No/Not given, headings matching and multiple choice questions.

Passage 3: Children and symbols.
Questions: Fill in the gaps, headings matching and multiple choice questions.

Writing test

Writing task 1 (report)
We were given a line graph about Australian students who left the school.

Writing task 2 (essay)
In some societies the number of elderly people is increasing. Do you think the positive impact of this outweighs the negative one?

Speaking test

– Where do you live now? Describe.
– Questions about reading in childhood
– Questions about fruits and vegetables

Cue card
Talk about a leisure activity that you like, you should say
– where you do it,
– When you do it,
– explain why you like doing it.

I don’t remember the exact questions, however it was related to leisure time.

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