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Recent IELTS exams

Real students tell about their recent IELTS exams: IELTS questions, topics, tasks, answers.

IELTS in Myanmar – October 2009 (Academic Module)

IELTS test in Myanmar was described very well by S. (thank you!), who shared the following questions and topics. Later on I was told that IELTS in Singapore was exactly the same.

Listening test

Section 1: A phone conversation between the train company and a girl who lost her belongings on a train, she was trying to locate her bags and accessories.

Section 2: A volunteer’s field trip to protect and study wild animals at Borneo island.

Section 3: Making a presentation.

Section 4: Perception of a pupil and a teacher’s comment on his perception.

Reading test
Passage 1: Energy of the ocean.
Passage 2: Parental involvements in children’s education.
Passage 3: Developments of music recording devices (discs, cassettes and the gramophone).

Writing test

Writing task 1 (a report)
We had a graph showing domestic usage of water per person in liters in 5 countries (the US, Canada, Italy, France and Germany) with its costs per cubic meter tabulated.

Writing task 2 (an essay)
How university education is important for employment as well as for other activities? Comment on both sides of views.

Speaking test

– Do you work or study?
– What are your weekend activities?
– How do you enjoy your weekends?

Cue card
Talk about a future plan that you made, you should say:
– what is your future plan?
– when would you do it?
– who would accompany you?

– How do you plan things?
– Is planning important for a person? And for you?
– What are the importance of future plans for children?

IELTS in Melbourne, Australia – October 2009 (General Training)

IELTS test in Melbourne was described by S. (thank you so much!), who remembered it well. Later on I found out from D. that the exam in the Philippines was the same. Here is what they had:

Listening test
Section 1: A conversation about lost property.
Section 2: About orangutan’s project (calling for volunteers).
Section 3: A lecturer was giving presentation about Persistent Learning
Section 4: Can’t remember.

Reading test
Passage 1: About accommodation.
Passage 2: Some company program promotion.
Passage 3: ‘Real tennis’ and ‘ordinary tennis’.

Writing test

Writing task 1 (a letter)
An English speaking friend is working at your hometown. He/she is planning to visit another town in your home country. Write a letter to him and make suggestions for his / her trip.

Writing task 2 (an essay)
As long as professional sportsmen and sportswomen are good players, their behavior on and off the playing field is not important. Do you disagree or agree?

Speaking test

– What city are you currently living in?
– Why did you move here?

– Lets talk about weekends. How do you normally spend your weekends at home?
– What do you plan to do for the next coming weekend?

– Lets talk about clothes. Do you think men and women have the same thoughts about clothes?
– When was the last time you shopped for clothes?

– Lets talk about time management. What method do you think is the most efficient for time management?
– Do you think punctuality is important?
– How would you feel if the person you are meeting with was not punctual?
– Do you think older people consider punctuality more important than younger people?

Cue card
Discuss about the project that you had worked on in your job/studies, you should say
– What was the project about?
– Who gave you the project?

– Lets talk about technology. What are the advantages of the Internet?
– Do you think people are getting stressed due to the fast pace of modern technology?