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November 2015 celebrates its 10th birthday – and YOU get a gift! is 10 years old

10 years and one week ago the very first article was published on Back in 2005 there weren’t many websites on IELTS – unlike now! Times change, but one thing remains the same: our main goal, to always be your Best IELTS Study Partner. As a team, we work tirelessly to publish just the right content to support your IELTS preparation. We appreciate your trust, and feel it is our job to help you succeed and pass IELTS as soon as possible – because your future depends on it.

10 years is a very long time

A lot happened since 2005. After that very first article came 2000+ more posts, IELTS-Blog grew larger in content and richer in audience. Here’s just a tiny snapshot:

  • Around 11 Million people visited
  • Close to 82 Million pages were downloaded
  • Just during the last 3 years we sent our subscribers worldwide 22.5 Million emails with IELTS updates & tips
  • We lost count of all the successful test takers who used our website and passed their IELTS exams with Band 7+, there are thousands of them.

Your gift

We’d love to invite everyone to our birthday party, but the truth is – there isn’t a building in the world large enough to house all our readers. So to celebrate the day with you all, we prepared a gift: a complete set of recorded Speaking Test questions, with a transcript, that you get to download and keep. This is perfect for self-preparation: you can use this recording at home to simulate a real Speaking test – just let it play, imagine you’re sitting in front of a real examiner, listen to his questions and answer them (the recording will go quiet to allow you to talk). The pauses are approximately as long as your answers should be; if you finished talking and the recording is still quiet, try to find something else to say, or at least think of it, for the next time!
Download the audio here (12 Mb, .mp3), and its transcript is here.

Thank you all for choosing for your exam preparation! We wouldn’t be here today without your trust and support!

IELTS Speaking test in India – October 2015

When R took the IELTS Speaking test in India, he was asked the following questions:

Speaking testIELTS test in India


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you enjoy your work?
– Do you see yourself working in the same field in the future?
– Have you worked or studied in groups?
– Do you prefer to study in a group or individually?
– What does one learn while working or studying in a group?
– What are the drawbacks or disadvantages of studying/working in a group?
– Do you like colours?
– What are the colours that you would rather not have in your house?
– Do you think colours influence you?

Cue Card

Talk about your favourite song. Please say

– What is the song about?
– When did you first hear the song?
– Why is it your favourite?


– Does it remind you of something when you hear it?
– Let’s talk about music.
– What kind of music do children like to listen to?
– Is it different from what you listen to?
– What kind of music does the older generation like to hear?
– Why do people like to listen to music?
– Do you like to sing?
– Do you think everyone can sing?
– What are some of the occasions when people sing?
– Do you think all cultures enjoy singing?