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IELTS in Dubai, UAE – October 2009 (General Training)

IELTS exam in Dubai, UAE was described by G., who remembered everything very well. Thank you, G., for sharing – everyone, enjoy.

Listening test

Section 1: A conversation between an Insurance agent and a customer.
Questions: Short answers (no more than 3 words).

Section 2: A town’s annual festival. A woman was talking on radio about what will happen, where and when.
Questions: Short answers (no more than 3 words).

Section 3: Two lecturers in university discussing what research projects they may ask their students to do.
Questions: Short answers (no more than 3 words).

Section 4: A speech about passion fruit from Indonesia, the right climate for its growth, new techniques for artificial growth and socioeconomic factors of growth.
Questions: Multiple choice.

Reading Test

Passage 1: An advertisement of an Air Travel company offering special package to students.
Questions: Identification of a particular sentence in the paragraphs.

Passage 2: An advertisement about a sporting event.
Questions: Short answer questions.

Passage 3: Instructions to the the employees working from home.
Questions: Short answer questions.

Passage 4: About Wind Turbines.
Questions: Identification of a particular sentence in the paragraphs, Yes / No / Not given questions.

Writing test

Writing task 1 (a letter)
Write a letter to a park authority about damage being made to the facilities of the park.

Writing task 2 (an essay)
Why do people choose to live an unhealthy condition in certain countries? What do you think about this and what kind of solution can be found to this.

Speaking test

– Do you work or are you a student?
– What is your routine work?
– What do you intend to change in your routine work?
– What sports people in your country play the most?

Cue card
Talk about a thing that you have purchased recently under the influence of an advertisement, you should say:
– What was it?
– When was it?
– How do you find the usage of that product?

– What in your opinion is the various media used for advertisements?
– Do you think there should be restrictions on advertising?
– Do you think children get affected by advertisements?

2 thoughts on “IELTS in Dubai, UAE – October 2009 (General Training)”

  1. Pingback: IELTS in France and the UK - October 2009 (Academic Module) | IELTS-Blog

  2. Pingback: IELTS in Iran and Kazakhstan - October 2009 (Academic Module) | IELTS-Blog

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