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The simple steps Vanessa took to get Band 7.5 in IELTS

Today we are delighted to introduce to you Vanessa – a young lady from Nigeria whose first language is Yoruba. The remarkable thing about Vanessa is that she prepared for IELTS in 6 weeks and got an Overall Band 7.5 as a result (with 8.5 in Listening!). This score helped Vanessa win in our monthly IELTS results competition, and when we asked her to share some useful things other test takers can do to get a higher score, here is what she said:

Band 9 in IELTS“Thank you for choosing me as one of the winners of the IELTS Result Competition, I am greatly honoured.

I had about a month and two weeks to prepare for the IELTS Test, I will share some of my study tips with you.

Reading and Listening: I studied the entire reading module and listened to all the recordings in my IELTS study book and I practiced some of the model tests too. For the reading section I timed myself while I was practicing, so that I could get used to the time restriction during the real exam.

Speaking: I practiced speaking about different topics with my IELTS tutor.

Writing: I studied the writing module in my preparation book and spent a lot of time practicing how to write different types of essays.

In addition to these, I put God first in my IELTS preparation because with God all things are possible. Also, my parents supported and encouraged me in preparing for the test by getting a tutor for me and buying all the study materials I needed.

I also watched a lot of IELTS tutoring videos and read study tips from successful IELTS test takers.

My advice to all those preparing for the test is to study and practice a lot, because practice made me to notice my errors and so I could correct myself, also it made me more confident.

Practice! Practice!! Practice!!!

Passing the IELTS requires hard work, determination, and positive mindset – and we are all capable of that.”

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