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October 2012

Vinay shares exam tips after scoring 8.5 in IELTS

Today I am happy to share with you a few tips received from Vinay Kumar, an IT professional from Bangalore, India. He recently took the Academic version of IELTS, scored band 8.5 and thinks that’s a pretty pathetic result 🙂 – imagine that!

Vinay, Band 8.5 in IELTSI am sure many of you would absolutely love to get that ‘pathetic’ score, and so here is how you can: for starters, you could avoid the same pitfalls Vinay tells you about.

Here are the seven IELTS mistakes Vinay wishes he didn’t make:

1. He used just one book (provided by the IDP) and one set of practice tests to prepare – instead of getting at least one more book and another source of practice materials.

2. He didn’t check the venue before the exam, and as a result ended up parking a kilometer from the place. That’s quite a bit of walking before the exam!

3. He was late for the test – no need to tell you how stressful that can be.

4. He didn’t actively practice for speaking, only read the transcripts. Instead he could have asked a friend to play the examiner to get some speaking practice.

5. He spoke too fast – which is why, he suspects, the score for that section went down from Band 9 to Band 8.

6. His writing wasn’t as neat and tidy as he’d like due to many re-written sentences.

7. He finished writing ahead of time – instead he should have managed his time better to write a more complete essay.

However, there are also a few things Vinay thinks he did right 🙂 You can read more about his IELTS exam and things he did right here.

IELTS Speaking test in Malaysia – September 2012

A kind IELTS test taker from Malaysia shared these speaking questions (thanks, C!):

Speaking testIELTS test in Malaysia


– What is your name?
– What should I call you?
– Do you work or study?
– What is your major?
– What do you prefer: lunch or dinner? Why?
– Do you think breakfast is important? Why?
– What toys did you play with as a child?
– Did you play with the toys alone or with friends?
– What type of toys do you prefer to give to kids today?

Cue Card

Describe a job that you would like to do in the future. Please say

– What type of job is it?
– Where would you like to work?
– What are the skills required for this particular job?


– What do you think about changing jobs?
– What are the advantages or disadvantages of changing jobs?
– Do you think there should be balance between work, family and social life?